Salah Satu Pendiri Gojek Telah Hengkang
Salah satu pendiri (co-founder) sistem transportasi online yang bernama Go-Jek Michelangelo Moran yang akrab dipanggil Mikey Moran mengundurkan diri dari startup penyedia layanan transportasi online tersebut.
"Its been such an amazing 6 year journey, but with a sad and heavy heart, my time in GO-JEK has come to an end," demikian tulis Moran.
"I would like to thank everyone who has helped me along the way, inside and outside of the company," imbuhnya.
ini kutipan status facebooknya
“What I’ve learned about myself is that we are all human. I’ve been through a lot of big ups and big downs, but you have to remember to take care of yourself and not push the limits. I have also learned that being successful has its perks, but you will only feel complete if you are happy at the end of it.” Its been such an amazing 6 year journey, but with a sad and heavy heart, my time in GO-JEK has come to an end. I would like to thank everyone who has helped me along the way, inside and outside of the company. As one of the original co-founders, I have seen the company grow from a small house in Kerinci to one of the biggest companies of its type in Indonesia with a billion dollar valuation, an achievement some can only dream about. Six years ago, when Nadiem asked me to design a logo for GO-JEK, I never imagined this simple graphic would grow to mean so much to so many people. Although a very difficult decision, I am 100% content as I know I am able to entrust the company in the hands of its talented Directors, VP’s, investors, Managers and employees. There is no limit to the success and future of GO-JEK and the impact it has had on not only my life but the whole of Indonesia is unparalleled. No matter what happens, GO-JEK has already made history and it will continue to do so in every possible way. Without a doubt, I will always continue to support and promote the company. No matter how big you grow, always remember where you came from and always remember what’s truly important. Love you all, You have listened of the sounds… of DJ Mikey Moran, mic drop!
Mikey bukan satu-satunya orang penting Go-Jek yang hengkang dalam kurun satu bulan ini. Sebelumnya, Go-Jek juga ditinggal oleh Vice President of Technology Product Go-Jek, Alamanda Shantika Santoso.
Go-Jek juga sedang mendapat tekanan dari para pengemudinya yang menuntut perubahan dalam penghitungan sistem performa yang diterapkan.
Minggu lalu, massa yang terdiri atas driver Go-Jek berunjuk rasa di depan kantor pusat Go-Jek menuntut perubahan penghitungan performa. (Baca:
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